

At Tenix (Saga Tenix) we make software for public and private transport companies to help them analyze and understand how their vehicle fleets are operating.

We are proud to have customers in Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands. With 1 out of 4 buses in Norway using Tenix's solutions, our systems are proven to help transport companies manage the daily operations of their fleets.

Vehicles reports to our servers every day
Events recorded every month
Smart charging everyday
Our Values


We value quality. Quality of our products, quality of our customer service, quality of work.


We want to remain ahead of the curveand continue to create software that actually helps transport companies reduce emissions, manage their fleets and streamline operations.

Future focused

Technology and software moves at a rapid rate. We design our solutions with the future in mind, incorporating the latest tech breakthroughs into our systems so they will be as helpful as they can be.


We value trust. We trust eachother to deliver on what we promise, to do a good job and to work hard to meet our customers needs.


We want to be as helpful as possible to eachother and to our customers to ensure that jobs get done well and that no one is left in the dark.

Solving real issues

We focus on real issues transport companies have so we can help them make their everyday lives simpler and more streamlined.


Saga Tenix established

Provided technology for "logbook" tracking driven distance and time for vehicles. First commercial customer signed.


Public Transport in focus

Shift of focus towards public transportation. Established ITxPT as a standard. TIDE AS signed as a customer


Signing in several customer

Connect Bus AS signed as a customer


Standarized IT Solution

Delivered to Ruter and Kolumbus


Signed with the largest EV bus operator in the Nordics

Expanding the business. Signed with Oslo Taxibuss


Investment from Idékapital

Company growing


Tenix Charge, smartcharging was developed and released.

New customers in Norway and Sweden


New investor, Newday.

New customer in the Netherlands


Office in UK

Several larger contracts signed with longterm customers

Our story

2000 - In Iceland, a company named Saga Systems made precise location identification possible for civilian applications, a field known today as telematics. Saga Systems ventured into exploring location-based services, including driver behavior monitoring, which was a novel concept at the time. The company initiated a pilot in Sweden by 2001, which showed promise but was ultimately not pursued further.

The financial crisis saw Saga Systems, like many others, caught in the aftermath, leading to its downfall. However, the spirit and technology behind Saga Systems did not vanish.

2008 - "Norwegian" Saga Systems was born, and acquired the developed solutions from the original Icelandic company. This marked the beginning of a new chapter, with the technology initially being used for a "logbook" application designed for tracking driven distance and time for drivers and vehicles. This application, despite its simplicity, still exists today and retains a loyal user base.

2012 - The focus of the company shifted towards public transportation. This strategic pivot proved to be a turning point, leading to the development and launch of the first IP-based solution for Kolumbus around 2019/2020, following the establishment of ITxPT as a standard.

2020 - Idékapital entered as an investor, further marking a significant milestone in the company's growth trajectory.

2022 - Tenix Charge was developed and released. A comprehensive system to manage a fleet of electric vehicles, Tenix Charge has helped many transport companies manage the transition from fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles.

2023/2024 - Now with 1 in 4 buses in Norway using our systems, a new deal with our first public transport company in the Netherlands, and even more exciting agreements coming in the near future, we set our sights on what is to come.
As Europe now transitions to alternative fuels and battery electric power, we progress with them, offering our charging solution to help organize and manage fleets of electric vehicles, and implementing machine learning to help make electric fleet management as seamless as possible.

Supplier Code of Conduct / The Transparency Act - law in Norway "Åpenhetsloven"

Due to regulations in the law of "Åpenhetsloven", that requiers due diligence statement, the board of Saga Tenix has given this statement, in Norwegian:

Vedtatt av Styret i Saga Tenix AS 29. januar 2024 

I Saga Tenix arbeider vi for å sikre ansvarlighet og verdige forhold i hele vår verdikjede. Sentralt i dette er etterlevelse av arbeidstaker- og menneskerettigheter både overfor våre egne ansatte og ansatte hos våre leverandører, i tråd med nasjonal lovgivning og internasjonalt anerkjente prinsipper og standarder.   


Omfang og ansvar

Policyen gjelder alle ansatte, innleid personell, konsulenter, styremedlemmer og alle som utfører arbeid i, på vegne av eller på annen måte representerer Saga Tenix AS.   

Vi forventer at også våre leverandører og samarbeidspartnere arbeider målrettet og systematisk for etterlevelse av grunnleggende krav til menneskerettigheter og arbeidstakerrettigheter.   


Forholdet til annet regelverk   

Krav stilt i denne policyen er minimumskrav. Dersom strengere krav følger av lov eller forskrift, skal disse følges.   

Respekt for grunnleggende menneske- og arbeidstakerrettigheter   

 Saga Tenix AS respekterer internasjonalt anerkjente menneskerettigheter, som følger blant annet av:  

  • Verdenserklæringen om menneskerettigheter 
  • FN-konvensjonen om økonomiske, sosiale og kulturelle rettigheter 
  • FN-konvensjonen om sivile og politiske rettigheter 
  • ILOs erklæring om grunnleggende prinsipper og rettigheter i arbeidslivet 
  • Andre aktuelle standarder innen internasjonal humanitærrett 


Saga Tenix AS skal gjennomføre aktsomhetsvurderinger i tråd med FNs veiledende prinsipper for næringsliv og menneskerettigheter og OECDs retningslinjer for flernasjonale selskaper. Dette innebærer å forankre ansvar, identifisere og prioritere risiko – samt håndtere brudd på menneskerettighetene. Effektene av arbeidet med ivaretakelse av arbeidstaker- og menneskerettigheter kommuniseres og gjøres tilgjengelig for berørte interessenter.    

Som del av arbeidet med aktsomhetsvurderinger vil Saga Tenix AS som hovedregel kartlegge både faktisk og mulig risiko for negativ påvirkning på arbeidstaker- og menneskerettighetene. Vi skal da inkludere risiko som vi selv har forårsaket, bidratt til eller på annen måte er knyttet til gjennom vår aktivitet, både i egen virksomhet og i leverandørkjeden.  

Overvåking av gjennomføring og effekt av tiltak, handler om hvorvidt Saga Tenix gjør gode aktsomhetsvurderinger, og om vi iverksetter effektive tiltak for å hindre gjentakende avvik. Vi skal derfor har jevnlig gjennomgang av våre tiltak og planer for å sikre at disse har ønsket effekt. Dersom et avvik har skjedd skal vi iverksette tiltak for at de som er ansvarlige for bruddet i våre verdikjeder retter opp dette. Er vi ikke selv ansvarlig for bruddet skal vi påvirke at dette skjer. 


Meet our leadership

The rapid change within transportation towards a data-driven and electrical future is something that excites us, and we feel that we are part of a transformative time for public transport.
With a strong and determined leadership team guiding us on our way, the future of Tenix looks very promising and exciting.

Torbjørn Krøvel

•20+ years' experience in the International IT and Telecom Industry, MSc and MBA

•CTIO/COO experience from listed 400m €+ companies and BoD for technology companies on OSX 

Grzegorz Masłowski

• Software Architect with 15+ years of experience in IT, specializing in software architecture and development, networking, and infrastructure management.

• Proven leader with expertise in delivering scalable, high-performance solutions across diverse sectors.

• Passionate about electric vehicles and committed to integrating sustainable technologies into innovative software designs.

Norunn Korsgården
Sales Director Norway

•20+ years' experience as B2B SW sales manager for in Enterprise and large account SW sales in Norway and Europe

•Sales and Marketing B2B building the market for several brands

David Rooney
Sales Director UK

•Part of the UK bus industry for 20+ years with First Group, Rotala and National Express

•Commercial, business development and operational experience in UK and Europe for passenger transport and logistics

Kristian T. Andersen

•Experience from Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (finance, warranty, purchasing and logistics)

•Master in business controlling 

Bogusław Balicki

•20+ years of experience within project management, procurement, sales and customer service

•Experienced manager with background from the oil and gas industry

Martin Atterhall
Sales Director Sweden

•Part of the industry for +20 years (recently Nobina)

•Business development, fleet management and purchasing

Tenix Fleet

Gain full control of your fleet

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Tenix Charge

Your complete charging system

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Tenix Maintenance

Stay on top of your maintenance

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