
Tenix Maintenance

Independent online system for vehicle management and service planning. Drivers can report issues via app - take a picture and report an error.

This will streamline your maintenance processes regardless of vehicle brand.

You get the full overview both for planned routine controls, odometer based or by your set preferences. Add in a checklist for your need and requirement to maintain your level of status. With the driver app, drivers can see errors and resolution status, whilst everyone in the feed has the same information (drivers, suppliers, cleaners etc). The garage can then prioritise and manage the issues on their desktop, and you can follow the process step by step.

Key Features

Tenix Maintenance have a wealth of features that can be used to optimize your operations.
  • Vehicle Monitoring

    Monitor your vehicles based on various data parameters.

  • Inventory Service (ITxPT)

    Monitor the status of each ITxPT service in your vehicles.

  • Equipment Monitoring

    Monitoring of equipment in the buses such as passenger counters and led displays

  • PVR Service

    Alerts and information about coming EU period bus controls.

  • API Service

    Defined data aveileble in API services

  • In-app reporting

    Drivers, cleaners and other personnel can report issues directly to the warehouse via the app.

  • Follow the progress

    Work orders can be given status labels to understand at what stage the vehicle is at in the workshop.

  • Prioritize issues

    Prioritize issues by adding the level of severity to the issue.

  • Report issues to the workshop

    Report issues with vehicles to the workshop using images and descriptions.

  • Works regardless of vehicle brand

    No matter the make of vehicles you use, you can use Tenix's systems.

Follow the issue from start to finish

Drivers and other personnel can report issues on the Maintenance app, where it then gets sent to the Maintenance desktop where the case can then be followed, managed, prioritized and analyzed.