
Tenix Fleet

Tenix Fleet ger insiktsfull fordonsdata för att hjälpa dig att få en övergripande bild av din fordonsflotta samt dina förare.

Tenix Fleet stödjer dig i det dagliga arbetet på depån, ger detaljerad information om fordonen och dess förare, hjälper dig att optimera verksamheten, minska kostnader och göra mer hållbara val.

Key Features

Tenix Fleet have a wealth of features that can be used to optimize your operations.
  • Eco Drive

    Measure how effectively your vehicles are being driven, with scoring modules based on parameters such as costs, passenger comfort and safety.

  • Temperature Sensor

    Monitor the interior temperature of your vehicles.

  • Tyre Sensor

    Monitor the tyre pressure of your vehicles.

  • Automatic tachograph download

    Download vehicle and driver files from your tachograph remotely and automatically.

  • Realtime Bus Table (AVL)

    Automatic Vehicle Location provides real-time information and data for on-street displays, websites and mobile apps.

  • Passenger Counting

    Automatically count passengers as they enter the vehicle.

  • Driver ID

    Drivers can easily log in using Ibuttons, RFID, Tachograph or other applications.

  • Panic Button

    Physical panic buttons in your vehicles allow drivers to signal alarms for assistance.

  • Battery Prediction

    Using machine learning, you can predict how many KWh are required for a future route.

  • Inventory Service (ITxPT)

    Monitor the status of each ITxPT service in your vehicles.

  • MADT (Multi Application Driver Terminal)

    Displays for drivers which can be adapted and used for various needs.

  • Depot overview

    Gain a full overview of your depot, so you can see which chargers are available and in use, as well as other information in real-time.

  • Alcolock integration

    Connect your vehicle's alcolock to your IT infrastructure.

  • Live Map

    Get a clear overview of buses, chargers and other equipment on a map in real-time.

  • Reports

    Build reports using historical and real-time data about fuel consumption, energy consumption, speed and more.

  • Alarms

    Receive alarms about a crash, high vehicle temperature and low battery.

  • Works regardless of vehicle brand

    No matter the make of vehicles you use, you can use Tenix's systems.

"Våra kunder använder oss när de behöver säker och välfungerande transport. Med Tenix Fleet kan vi nu garantera detta med hjälp av data."
Lasse Aarstrand / Verkställande direktör

Djupgående insikter om din fordonsflotta

Övervaka olika data om din fordonsflotta genom instrumentbrädan eller i skräddarsydda rapporter.


All data som ges i Tenix Fleet uppdateras i realtid. Du kan se "live"-kartan och se status för fordonen - antingen de är parkerade, kör, eller har larm som behöver uppmärksamhet.